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We are an open, Christ-centered community,

caring for each other, and doing God's work in the world.

Sunday Celebration of Holy Eucharist at 8 am with no music and
10 am with music

Visit us in person or online

We have Holy Eucharist at 8am & 10am every Sunday.
The service at 8am is a quiet, reflective time with no music.
The service at 10am is more boisterous with music and our choir.
And, for those who cannot make it in person a video version is available on YouTube,
by simply clicking the link below. 


Tuesdays at 11:30-Prayer and Lunch

April 1: Charismatic Prayer Style; and then, April 8th: Prayer through Song. We were surely in touch with our energy and the energy of the Holy Spirit guiding us all.  Using ancient Chinese yoga movements, we explored the way in which prayer does not have to be a verbal expression but one involving movements connecting us with the life energy that surrounds us; an energy which we believe is the Spirit of God. It is not too late to join us on Tuesdays of Lent at 11:30am April 1 Charismatic Prayer:   This style of prayer combines kinetic movements such as raising one’s hands in praise and speaking out loud from the heart. While this occurs some people are moved to begin praying in tongues.  It is understood as utterances of the Spirit moving among us. It is certainly an expressive form of prayer.  Join us and try it out!


77 Country Corner Lane | P.O. Box 146
Fairport, NY 14450, USA

(585) 598-3037

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